Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

Click on the button below to see all of the job announcements that Ft Sill SFL-TAP has received from local, national, and international veteran-friendly companies over the past two months.

Career Skill Programs

Click on the button below to see Career Skills Program (CSP) and the different companies participating in the program

FS Job Skills

Click on the button below to see whats new in the FS Job Skills program.

Job Announcements

Soldier For Life -Transition Assistance Program

CareerSkills Program (CSP)

Fort Sill - Transition Assistance Program

Career Skills Program For Soldiers

    1. Complete CSP Soldier Participation Memo.
    2. If attending a CSP more than 50-miles from your home stations, complete DA Form 31, Request and Authority for Leave.
    3. Complete any other application materials required by the provider.
    4. For additional information, contact your Installation Career Skills Program Office, Transition Assistance Center or your CSP Region Coordinator.
    1. Complete CSP Soldier Participation Memo.
    2. Complete Individual Internship Agreement.
    3. Complete DA Form 31, Request and Authority for Leave if attending a CSP more than 50-miles from home station.
    4. Complete any other application materials required by the provider.
    5. For additional information, contact your Installation Career Skills Program Office, Transition Assistance Center or the CSP Region Coordinator using the POC map below

Note: DoD Skill bridge participants must be approved by the Installation Career Skills Coordinator prior to attending the training.

    1. Complete FS FM 1542, Soldiers for Life Transition Campus (Pre-Screening Worksheet)
    2. Complete FS FM 1543, Fort Sill Jobs Skills Agreement.
    3. Complete FS FM 1544, Fort Sill Soldier Participation Memo.
    4. Copy of ERB/SRB/ORB

The Army Career Skills Program (CSP) affords transitioning Service Members the opportunity to participate in employment skills training (EST), on-the-job training (OJT), pre- apprenticeships and internships with a high probability of employment in high-demand and highly-skills jobs. Participation must occur within the last 180 days of military service, with an honorable discharge

CSPs are offered as a COHORT or an Individual Internship. A COHORT is an approved CSP that is hosted/sponsored at an IMCOM Garrison, which follows a scheduled program offering in a group setting of 5-50+ participants. Individual Internships are for career training opportunities with companies that do not have a COHORT approved program. Individual Internships must be approved prior to Service Member participation. Approved COHORT and Individual Internship programs must complete a rigorous approval process to ensure the best training and care will be provided to our participants. Soldiers are authorized to attend CSPs more than 50-miles from their permanent duty station in an Administrative Absence status (see below).

CSPs are available to all transitioning Soldiers who meet eligibility requirements, with a focus on the "at-risk" Soldiers. Soldiers are considered "at-risk" if they are between ages 18-24, are first-term enlistees, medically separating, or involuntarily separating due to force shaping per AR 600-81.

Important Things to Know When Traveling More Than 50-miles From Permanent Duty Station to Attend an Approved CSP (IAW AR 600-8-10)

FS Job Skills
