Fair labor act apush

- Specialists in Law, economics, and welfare who were Franklin D. Roosevelt's speeches.

- Policies of Franklin Roosevelt's administration that sought to fix the problems caused by the Great Depression by providing relief for unemployed and making efforts to start up economic recovery.

- Referring to the first 100 days of FDR's administration when many reform bills were passed, launching the New Deal.

- Part of the New Deal that established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insured individual bank deposits and ended unstable banking.

- Hired young unemployed men to improve the rural out-door environment like maintaining National Parks; passed by the Hundred Days congress.

- Early New Deal program designed to help industry, labor, and the unemployed with centralized planning mechanisms that oversaw workers' earnings and working hours to distribute work.

- New Deal program made to raise agricultural prices by paying farmers not to farm because of the surplus.

- The Great Plains region ruined by drought and dust storms leading to the migration of thousands of families to California many zealous New Dealers seeking to help them.

- One of the best know New Deal projects; Brought cheap electic power, full employment, low=cost housing, and environmental improvements to people in the Tennessee Valley because of the construction of the new dam.

- Provided for unemployment and old-age insurance that was funded by a payroll tax on employers and employees; big New Deal accomplishment.

- Protected the right of labor to organize in unions and to bargain with employers under the New Deal.

- Regulated minimum wages and maximum work hours for workers in interstate commerce. Outlawed labor by people under 16; important New Deal labor legislation.
- Labor organization broken off from the American Federation of Labor to organize unskilled industrial workers.

- Franklin Roosevelt's scheme to get a replacement for every member in the Supreme Court for every member over seventy who wouldn't retire.

- Roosevelt announced this bold program taken from British economist John Maynard Keynes saying that central banks should adjust interest rates and governments should use deficit spending and tax policies in order to have a better purchasing power which would lead to prosperity.

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