Assessment and submission guidance

On this page you will find the key information needed to help you with the teaching, assessment and submission of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). The qualification is primarily designed as a flexible and personal project based qualification that complements A level or vocational course choices, but many schools make use of the qualification in different ways, such as for an independent study programme in year 12, a qualification to support specific students who intend to apply to highly competitive degree courses, or to support students who might be unsure about their next steps. If you are interested in different case studies of how schools and colleges implement project qualifications, you can find a range of case studies under the Teaching Support tab.

A typical programme for a one-year EPQ beginning in year 12 might look like this:

This teacher guide gives more details of a sample one year programme (see page 7).

You'll find guidance on the Extended Project marking grids in the specification on pages 59-60. Depending on which unit approach a student takes, you will need to use the marking grid for that unit. The Marking Guidance documents for each unit approach (P301, P302, P303 or P304) provide additional guidance to help you apply the marking grids.

By having bespoke marking grids for each unit, you are able to reward your students in ways that reflect their passion, whether they love making, performing, carrying out investigations or diving deep into a topic of their choice to create a dissertation, students are rewarded for the very activity they enjoy.

When marking a students EPQ assignment, you should look at the marking bands and decide which is most appropriate (i.e. identify the best fit statements), then decide on the mark position within the band. The mark band descriptors describe work that falls in the mid-point of the mark band, so strong evidence would award towards the top of the band, whilst weaker evidence would award towards the bottom of the band.

Exemplar assignments can be found under 'Course materials', at the top of this page.

Here is a useful summary of the evidence you will need to support each student to create for their EPQ submission:

For the presentation part of the Extended Project you should submit: