How to remove waste space at end of video?

I know I am missing something really simple but . I have placed a 30 minute video on the timeline, cut it down to the first 10 mins (for youtube), and rendered it, but Vegas rendered the whole 30 mins, with the final 2/3 being blank with no sound.

How do I trim off the 20 mins of wasted space before rendering so that Vegas knows only to render the initial 10 mins?

I am quite upset that I have spent about an hour playing around and reading the tutorials and manual and still have not found out how to do such a simple little thing!!


TheHappyFriar wrote on 10/28/2007, 12:05 PM

a) setup the area to be rendered as a region & then render the region only. if you have multiple regions.

b) select the area you want to render (click+drag), then tell it to render the selected area.

jimmyz wrote on 10/28/2007, 12:19 PM

if there is music or any leftover video on the timelines vegas will render that unless told to render
loop region or region.

Dave_D wrote on 10/28/2007, 12:25 PM

Thanks but I cannot seem to define the region. I have set the start and end points and I see the bar above the ruler correctly showing the selection, but when I go to set it as a region the menu option for 'region' is greyed out. Isn't there any way to just trim the project to remove the extraneous waste from the end of the timeline?

rs170a wrote on 10/28/2007, 12:48 PM

Do you only have 10 min. on your timeline?
If so, hit the "Go to End" button, does it stop at the 10 min. mark or does it go past that?
My suspicion (based on this happening to me in the past) is that there's a little sliver of something at the very end of the timeline.
Doing what I suggested should allow you to find the problem.

MPM wrote on 10/28/2007, 1:02 PM

"I have set the start and end points and I see the bar above the ruler correctly showing the selection,"

Stop there and render the loop only -- checkbox on render as dialog.

Often just double click clip to get clip duration selected --> drag to snap/adjust as/if needed.

4eyes wrote on 10/28/2007, 4:57 PM

Press the "I" to mark the IN section & "O" to mark the OUT section.
Then "Render As", make sure Loop section is checked ON.
Use the "S" key to SPLIT the video, highlight the section you don't want & delete it, do this for the end section, then drag the video to position 0 (start) of the timeline, then render.
Simple to do, I would look up & print out the Vegas HotKey commands, they make things fast & easy.
Like highlighting the video track & hitting the "U" (Ungroup) key separates the video & audio track etc.
Hitting "G" key will Group them together.