Assignment of Receivables Sample Clauses

Assignment of Receivables. Claims of money due or to become due to the Transportation Provider from MART may be assigned to a bank, trust company or other financial institution, or a court appointed receiver without prior consent of MART provided that written notice of any such assignment is furnished promptly to MART.

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Assignment of Receivables. The Transferor will take no action inconsistent with the Purchaser's ownership of the Receivables. If a third party, including a potential purchaser of the Receivables, should inquire, the Transferor will promptly indicate that ownership of the Receivables has been absolutely assigned to the Purchaser.

Assignment of Receivables. 4.1 Upon acceptance of an Offer pursuant to Clause 3.4, all of the Transferor's or, as the case may be, the Additional Transferor's, rights, title and interest in and to:

Assignment of Receivables. It is hereby agreed and expressly understood that the SELLER may, at any time, unilaterally assign its receivables or any portion thereof to any third party or NHMFC without need of any notice to the BUYER. The BUYER undertakes to honor and abide by the terms and conditions of the assignment to the third party or NHMFC, and further undertakes to fulfill his obligations under this Contract to Sell, NHMFC’s Housing Loan Receivables Purchase Program (HLRPP) Guidelines, including any and all amendatory and supplementary circulars which may hereafter be promulgated and all documents filed in connection with the assignment/transfer of the loan/receivables.

Assignment of Receivables. Each agreement documenting an assignment by the Depositor to the Issuer substantially in the form set forth on Schedule 1.

Assignment of Receivables. (a) Fleet (RI) hereby acknowledges that Advanta has transferred to Fleet (RI) Advanta's portfolio of consumer credit card accounts including all of the Initial Accounts designated to the Trust pursuant to the terms of Section 2.01 of the Agreement and each Additional Account designated to the Trust pursuant to Section 2.08 of the Agreement and those Assignments of Receivables in Additional Accounts listed in Schedule III to this Assignment Agreement (the "Account Assignments"). Fleet (RI) acknowledges that, pursuant to the Agreement and to the Account Assignments, Advanta has sold, transferred, assigned and set over and otherwise conveyed to the Trustee, on behalf of the Trust, for the benefit of the Certificateholders, all of Advanta's right, title and interest in and to (i) the Receivables existing at the time of the designation of such Accounts as an Account and the Receivables thereafter created from time to time until the termination of the Trust and arising in connection with the Accounts, (ii) all monies due or to become due and all amounts received with respect to the Receivables (including all Finance Charge Receivables relating thereto), (iii) all proceeds (including "

Assignment of Receivables. Seller shall executed and deliver to Purchaser a Bxxx of Sale and Assignment in the form attached as Exhibit A assigning and transferring to Purchaser all receivables or debt obligations of the Company owing to or held by Hybrid at the Effective Date.

Assignment of Receivables. 20.1. A public procurement contract allows only the assignment of receivables arising from the contract, except for the assignments provided for in the contract and legislative instruments in force.

Assignment of Receivables debt assumption and assignment of the whole of this Contract shall be possible only with the consent of the other Party.

Assignment of Receivables. 4.1 Upon acceptance of an Offer pursuant to Clause 3.4 each Account nominated in respect of such Offer (and in respect of which such Offer has not been revoked) shall thereafter be a Designated Account (until such time, if any, as such Account becomes a Redesignated Account) and all of the Transferor's rights, title and interest in and to: