Welcome to Bill Gottlieb Health

Bill Gottlieb

Bill Gottlieb

Greetings, and I’m delighted that you’ve found your way to my website. If you’re interested in better health, you’ve come to the right place — I have more than 30 years experience helping millions of Americans achieve their goals for personal health and healing. Read more »

Recent News and Articles

Supplements Could Save Americans Billions

That's the compelling conclusion of a new study from a report commissioned by the Council for Responsible Nutrition. (I read about the study in an article … [Read More. ]

Magnesium, the Mineral You Can’t Afford To Neglect

This week saw the publication of yet another important study about the mineral magnesium, in the journal Atherosclerosis. Researchers in Japan studied nearly 60,000 people aged 40 … [Read More. ]

Health Is A Bowl of Cherries

I've reported on psychological research about the color red, showing it uniquely conveys and activates intense feelings, like power and energy. (There's a reason politicians favor … [Read More. ]

Holistic Health Coach

Health Book Author
I’m the author of 13 health books (and counting!) that have sold more than two million copies … Learn more »

Editorial Consultant

Holistic Health Coach
I’m a Holistic Health Coach, and offer free, 45-minute health history consultations … Learn more »

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Editorial Consultant
I’m one of America’s most successful health editors. As the editor-in-chief of Rodale Books and Prevention … Learn more »

Health Book Packager

Health Book Packager
My book packaging company, Good For You Books, offers a top-level team of professionals who write … Learn more »

Freelance Journalist

Freelance Journalist
I've written for many national magazines and periodicals, including Prevention, Bottom Line Personal … Learn more »